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A Sister's Crusade Page 15

  Aubrette felt deflated; he had not greeted her with any affection at all. His eyes were only for his son and he had not whispered any words of love into her ear. She was just the baby’s nurse now and had become invisible to him.

  The first night in the castle was long and lonely for Aubrette. She fed Eustace and put him to bed, then waited until the baby was asleep before leaving him in his room. She changed in a becoming dress and brush her hair, leaving it loose for Simon to stroke as he had once loved to do. She sat in the chair and watched the door, waiting for it to open and for him to be standing there, ready to sweep her off her feet and onto the bed. She waited and waited; her eyes watched the candles in their holders as their wax slowly melted, the flame dipping and flaring. Still, he did not come.

  For half of the night, Aubrette sat there and her disappointment grew. From his room, Eustace began to cry – hungry, again. She continued to sit, ignoring her son’s demanding cry until, disheartened and miserable, she rose from her seat, went to the baby’s bed and nursed him for the remainder of the night. She was comforted by the gentleness of the boy’s soft, warm body as he nestled into the crook of her arm, fed and content.

  Rowena looked happy the next day when she came to see Eustace. She was freshly in love with her husband and it appeared that he was mutually so. It seemed they had both forgotten that their son’s natural mother was with them, believing that Eustace was totally theirs. This belief had ignited the spark of love that shone so obviously from her face.

  Aubrette felt even more alone knowing how in love her sister and Simon were, but she could not hate either of them if she tried. Simon never came to her room to visit her or his son; instead, it was Aubrette’s duty to bring the baby to the hall for him. He would smile and comment on how well the boy was progressing and growing stronger every day, and he marvelled when Eustace produced two small teeth, like tiny pearls, from his lower gums. Aubrette would return to the nursery with her boy to put him to bed and eat alone, while her sister revelled every night close to the man they both loved.

  One evening, after she had settled Eustace for the night by singing a gentle lullaby to him and kissed his soft baby hair, Aubrette returned to her room. Her mind cataloguing the tasks that still needed to be completed that evening, and she thought about the agenda for the next day. She looked up and was startled to see Simon standing there. Her heart raced and she felt suddenly breathless.

  He spoke first. ‘I have wanted to come and be with you. You were the one that gave me Eustace and I announced to the world that he came from my wife’s barren womb. I tried to convince myself that my son came from her, but my heart knows he is ours.’ He realised he was babbling inconsequently and gave a weak laugh. ‘Will you take me back?’

  ‘Take you back?’ she repeated. These were the words Aubrette had wanted to hear since her arrival at Vernon. Now he had spoken them, her head said: “No, never again. You are only using me”, but her heart countered with: “Oh, yes, I have waited for you and wanted you so much. I will always take you back.”

  ‘Oh, sweet God, I have missed you,’ Simon announced breathlessly, crossing the floor and gathering Aubrette to him, covering her face and her neck with eager kisses. She felt alive in an instant, as though she had been encased in a dark cloud and could turn her face back to the warm sunshine again.

  Content again, Aubrette felt satisfied by her lover’s passion. She had so desperately missed his touch and the year of painful abstinence soon vanished. He promised to visit again and, as always, she believed him, knowing he loved her as he now loved his wife.

  Once more, Rowena miscarried again. It was as regular as night followed day, and she accepted it as a usual occurrence. At the same time, Aubrette became pregnant again by Simon. This time, there was to be no hiding behind screens, no padding to pretend that a baby grew in an empty, sterile womb. No lies. This time, the guise was that Aubrette had stepped in as a surrogate mother and would give up the child after birth.

  For this, Aubrette was reinstated as an equal to Rowena – she would no longer be the servant who slept in the nursery. She once again had a comfortable room and bed, and her dresses became attractive again and were no longer merely serviceable. The women had already become united by Eustace’s birth, and Simon welcomed Aubrette’s return to favour.

  As before, Aubrette carried well and this birth was easy. She looked happily down at her newborn son and marvelled at his perfection. It still broke her heart to hand him over to Rowena, but, as before, she was to feed him herself and care for him. Simon visited his new son and named him Raymond. He now had two sons who were healthy and strong; what else could any man desire? He was happy with life, but the reignited spark of love for his wife had faded. He was still fond her and he always would be, but he bedded his mistress more frequently, keeping their liaisons as private as possible. Rowena was aware of the situation, but was powerless to dictate how her husband behaved. It gave her a curious sense of atonement to know who she now shared her husband with.


  Duke Richard, accompanied by Hugh Fulbert – his constant companion – visited Simon and Rowena’s home in Vernon. For Aubrette, the presence of the pair awoke the memory of their assault on her and she pleaded with Simon to allow her to remain in the nursery with her two boys. For some time, it appeared that her wish had been granted. Then, during one evening, her presence was demanded. Reluctantly, Aubrette entered the hall to see Rowena and Simon, who was drinking heartedly with Richard. Hugh sat close to his royal companion; as usual, his expression was petulant and he looked resentfully at her. She returned his glare. Simon looked pleased with her appearance, hurried to her and pulled her by the hand toward the small group.

  ‘I honour and respect my wife. Aubrette, here, is her half-sister and the mother of my second son, which Rowena and I raise as our own. She has proven her fertility. She is loyal and obeys my command without question,’ he announced enthusiastically.

  She was curious and felt an uneasy sense of foreboding deep inside. What was Simon talking about?

  Duke Richard then took her hand and kissed it, smiling. ‘We met once before, remember, when I saved your honour? But that was years ago and in the past. We have both grown older and wiser, maybe?’

  Aubrette curtsied. ‘Some of us have,’ she answered, curtly. What did Simon mean when he had said that she had proven her fertility?

  Hugh rose to his feet and stood behind Richard’s chair, watching her disdainfully with a scowl on his face. Any woman who spoke to his companion was not welcome in his presence. Richard belonged to him alone.

  The duke turned back to Simon. ‘You entertain us royally, brother,’ he praised. ‘You deny me nothing.’ His eyes flicked towards Rowena and Aubrette.

  ‘I am yours to command, my prince. My home is your home,’ Simon replied, bowing.

  Richard smirked. ‘I may partake in many amusements while here,’ he replied. He had no intention of amusing himself with either woman, but it was good to cause vexation.

  The two women looked at Simon questioningly and he gave a small shrug. He knew the reason for Richard’s supposed unannounced visit – not even Hugh was alert to it.

  ‘My lord duke,’ Hugh hissed in Richard’s ear, he waved him aside.

  ‘You shall not need a pretty boy while you are here, Hugh. If you do, I am sure there are many in this fine castle to amuse you,’ the duke promised and Hugh pouted. Richard turned to Aubrette and smiled a devilish smile, so like Simon’s. ‘To business. Has my brother spoken to you?’ he asked.

  She looked at her lover, then Rowena, who also looked confused. She turned back to the duke, shaking her head. ‘Then he should keep you more informed of decisions made that will affect others.’

  ‘I am sorry, my lord, I do not understand,’ said Aubrette.

  Richard sat down in a chair by the table and helped himself to a plate of food, b
efore answering with his mouth full, particles of chewed food spitting out with his words. ‘There has been gossip whispered about my friendship with Hugh. People who wish me harm have said untruths about the relationship I share with him and these falsehoods must be silenced.’ Richard glanced up at Hugh, who now looked uneasy. ‘I have decided, and my bastard brother has agreed, that Hugh and you are to be married and that the ceremony is to take place a week from today.’

  The duke sat back and looked very pleased with himself, taking a bite out of a chicken leg. Simon’s face was blank; he had known of the arrangement, but had kept it from both of the women. Rowena sat down, heavily, shocked by the announcement. The couple that were to be married looked at each other, amazed and stunned.

  ‘What!’ Hugh exclaimed. ‘I cannot marry her.’

  ‘I do not want to marry him!’ argued Aubrette. ‘You took me to bed and never told me about this.’

  Both Aubrette and Hugh began arguing at Richard and Simon, while Rowena, bemused and silent looked between everyone.

  The duke waved a hand, dismissing the protests. ‘It has been long arranged. You are to go to the church and marry, and live as husband and wife. You will produce a child from your union and this will scotch any rumours of my preferences of partners. In secret, Hugh and I will still see each other, but we will appear to be apart in public. You shall no longer share my brother’s bed, or any man’s bed, as the child you produce must be fathered by Hugh and no other.’

  ‘Simon, why did you do this? I thought you loved me. You know I love you!’ Aubrette entreated, looking at Simon. His expression was still emotionless. This was the first time she had professed her love for him in front of his wife.

  ‘You have given my wife and myself the sons that we never thought we’d have. I do love you as I love Rowena, but I dedicate myself to my prince. He came up with this solution for his dilemma, and I cannot refuse.’ For the first time, Simon looked almost shamefaced. ‘Also, this is financially advantageous for me.’

  ‘So you are selling me for thirty pieces of silver?’ Aubrette spat, as the anger rose in her.

  Rowena, now spoke, ‘Simon, why are you agreeing to this? Our sons know and love Aubrette; it would not be fair to take her away from them.’

  ‘It is arranged and cannot be undone. The wedding is next week and Aubrette leaves with her new husband straight after,’ Simon asserted.

  ‘Well said, brother,’ said Richard. ‘I shall retire now, as will Hugh, and we shall prepare for the celebrations. I suggest you do likewise.’

  He stood up and left the hall with Hugh hurrying after, complaining bitterly.

  Simon took a step towards Aubrette, but she moved away. ‘You must realise that this is for the best.’

  ‘I will not marry that… that creature,’ said Aubrette, angrily, pointing in the direction of the recently closed door.

  ‘You will marry him. You do not have to love him; you just have to take his name and his child,’ explained Simon.

  ‘He is unnatural; he won’t be able to make a child with me or any woman. Do you see how he follows Duke Richard like the lackey he is?’

  ‘What will I do without Aubrette? She is my companion,’ entreated Rowena. Simon looked between the women, angered by their protestations. ‘And our sons, who will care for them?’

  ‘Am I not your master? Do not question me. Everything has been arranged. She is marrying Hugh Fulbert in one week’s time, and there is no more to be said on the subject. I do not take orders from weak-minded women!’ he shouted, quickly enraged.

  Putting a comforting arm over Aubrette’s shoulders, Rowena departed the hall with her stunned sister and they retired to bed. She intended to remain with her sister, but was forced to return to the bed she shared with her husband by his command.

  Aubrette, meanwhile, lay alone and awake in her bed. Sleep eluded her as bitter thoughts tumbled around her mind. The man she loved and had thought loved her back, had now betrayed her trust and was sending her away without a second thought. She would never love him again.

  The small church was empty except for the five people gathered in front of the altar and the priest, who stood shaking and sweating before the small group. Simon Fitzroy had approached him several months earlier. He had married reluctant couples many times before, whose union benefited their families only, but never a marriage like this.

  The couple knelt obediently and the priest conducted the service with a tremulous voice. Richard looked on, satisfied at the accomplishment of his plan. Now, there would be no more whispering about his choice of companions, or the fact that he still had not taken a wife of his own. Though his father had seduced the young Princess Alice and it had angered him, it had also given him the ideal excuse to delay marriage. King Henry still refused to give his delightful mistress up, but Richard knew he would have to marry soon and produce an heir. Not yet, though; he was still young and enjoyed the life he lived – settling feuds, discord and rebellions by the might of his sword, and ravishing women.

  He watched and listened as Hugh and Aubrette reluctantly exchanged vows. They were purely words to them, and no sentiment was felt. Simon was looking on, grimly, and Rowena was pale with grief for her sister.

  The final prayers of the service were made and the couple were pronounced man and wife. It was done. Arm in arm, Hugh and his new wife departed the church and were taken back to the castle, where a banquet was held in their honour. It was a quiet, sullen affair. The newly married couple sat leaning away from each other, with no intimate talk of the bedding to come. They never spoke a word, both equally abhorred by this situation.

  At the end of the banquet, Rowena had kissed her sister, sympathising with her situation. Both Duke Richard and Simon saw Hugh off to bed with crude instructions of what to do to his new wife. He had no intention of following their words. So now, with the room bathed in soft candlelight, Aubrette and Hugh sat side by side between the crisp and fragrant sheets. Absently, she twisted her wedding ring round her finger, not looking at her husband. He, too, looked directly ahead.

  ‘So, what happens now?’ she asked.

  ‘If you think I’m going to have sex with you, you are mistaken,’ he replied, sneering.

  ‘You done it once before.’

  ‘That was by the order of Richard.’

  ‘Isn’t this? He told you we are to have a child together, so how else are we going to manage that?’

  Hugh looked at her, not attempting to hide his disgust. ‘Then let us get on with it and pray it all happens quickly.’ He threw back the covers, pulling up his nightshirt, and exposed his genitals. ‘If you want it, then get on my cock and do it,’ he said, coldly.

  She looked at him, appalled. ‘On that? Forget it,’ she said and threw herself as far away from him as she could in the bed.

  Cursing his bad fortune, Hugh pulled Aubrette round and pushed her back onto the pillow. She struggled and cursed him back as they tussled, but he was able to overpower her, claw her night-shift up to her waist and mutely, unemotionally, methodically perform his duty as instructed. She lay still and immobile throughout, focusing her attention on one of the tall candles and keeping her mind void of any thoughts. She endured the indignity.

  ‘There, our marriage is consummated,’ he announced, rolling from her.

  Aubrette had never felt so lonely. She had been abandoned by the man she thought loved her and would rarely see her sister again, nor would she watch her two sons grow. She had no idea in which direction her life would now go; being the wife of Duke Richard’s companion, she would have to follow him around the territories in France, or be abandoned in a castle if she were lucky.

  During the long and sleepless night, Aubrette heard Hugh waken and slip quietly from the bed. He padded barefoot to the door and closed it softly behind him. It was several hours before he returned, just as dawn was b

  ‘Where have you been?’ she asked, as he sat in a chair to look out of the window at the sunrise. He did not look at her and remained silent for several moments.

  ‘Surely you must know, wife,’ he answered.

  She knew; he had been with Duke Richard and they had shared his wedding night together.

  ‘Did the duke not tell you to get back to me?’ she asked.

  Hugh snorted a brief laugh. ‘Did you miss me, wife? Did you miss getting banged again by me? You know the arrangement: we are married to all who see us, but in secret I shall still amuse my lord.’

  Aubrette sat up in the bed and looked hard for the first time at the man who was now her husband. He was a handsome man, that could not be denied, and his black hair looked ruffled after his night’s activities. He obviously took pride in his neatly trimmed beard and his build was tall and slender. He was a lover, not a soldier.

  ‘You are Richard’s lapdog, and that is all you shall ever be. Once he marries for his country, he will be done with you,’ she said, in an attempt to anger him.

  Hugh gave her a sideways glance. ‘Richard shall not marry Princess Alice, and even if he does marry, he will never give me up,’ he replied.

  ‘You are nothing but a concubine.’

  ‘Look who’s talking! Sleeping with your master and bearing his bastard. If that is not whorish behaviour, then what is?’ Hugh countered, making her fall silent. He sighed heavily. ‘Listen, Aubrette, we are married whether we like it or not and we shall never be of an accord in anything, so get use to it. Leave me alone and I will do the same for you. We have to appear in public together, so let us give the impression of union. As for what happened last night, it will have to happen again if we are to have a child – but do not get too used to it.’

  ‘You need never fear that. You could not satisfy any woman with that pathetic excuse for sex – at least I know how a real man feels when he is inside me,’ she replied, tartly.