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A Sister's Crusade Page 11

  ‘Richard told me how he came to your rescue,’ he said, with adoration. ‘I would have been a quivering wreck and wouldn’t know what to do. But then, that is Richard for you – a born hero.’ He glanced admiringly at the duke, who had now seated himself and was silently watching the two people.

  Aubrette withdrew her hand.

  ‘I am sorry, but when Richard commands, we must obey,’ Hugh apologised. ‘I have no desire to do this either.’

  Hugh climbed onto her and she remained still, unresponsive to his assault. Richard watched and voraciously encouraged Hugh to complete his task with more energy and enthusiasm. Hugh, in his unwillingness, was gentle, but it was still unpleasant. Aubrette was unable to escape until the act had been completed and Hugh disdainfully moved back.

  ‘That was pathetic from both of you. I want you to be grateful, to show me your gratitude. This is what I do to those who disobey me,’ Richard threatened, pulling off his shirt and throwing himself on top of Aubrette. His pounding weight crushed her into the mattress.

  Hugh had backed into a corner, not wanting to be part of this. She struggled, helpless, screaming for help that never arrived. Wide-eyed, Hugh watched on, appalled by the sudden ferocity he witnessed. He knew of his prince’s temper, and had seen his explosions of rage before, but these had never been directed towards him or a woman. Once he had finished the abuse, Richard climbed off the bed and turned to Hugh.

  ‘That is how to treat a woman when she is ungrateful. You show her who is her master.’ He told Hugh to help her to her feet, and even though his touch was sympathetic, she still did not want him to be close to her and snapped her arm away. All Aubrette wanted to do was to run away, to go and hide, until King Henry had taken his sons, especially this one away.

  ‘If I decide there is to be a next time, I expect you to be more willing and compliant,’ added the duke, with little feeling. He turned to a dish of sweet meats on a table.

  Without further comment or another look in her direction, he dismissed her from his presence. The dismissal was not final. Once Aubrette had dressed, Hugh was instructed to take her into the other room for the others pleasure.

  ‘You know what Richard has in mind for you,’ he whispered, putting a protective arm over Aubrette’s trembling shoulders. ‘I shall protect you if I can.’

  As they passed through the room, the aroused men attempted to fall on her with the intent of intimate games and assaults. Hugh pushed all aside, making excuses in order to escort the woman from the rooms. His Richard had savoured her body and had now decided he wanted her untouched by the others, so as to keep her for himself.

  They reached the corridor, where Hugh pulled the door shut behind him. ‘Return to your rooms. I shall make the excuse for your departure,’ he said. ‘If Richard calls for you again, be obedient, grateful and thankful, and if you develop a fancy for him, remember, he is mine and always shall be.’

  ‘Have no fear, I shall never have a fancy for either of you,’ she retorted, sharply, ‘thank you for getting me through there,’ she added quietly, before turning and running through the castle until she came to her own small room. Letting herself in, she threw herself onto her bed, emotionless. She was unable to cry, unable to think, unable to get the images from her mind of the prince heaving on top of her, and Hugh, not abrasive in his treatment, but urged on by Richard to bring the assault to its conclusion.

  She could still feel the pawing and groping, the hands grasping, the teeth biting, as Richard had driven his cock deep inside her, ignorant of the pain it caused her. She could still hear Richard’s laughter as she had screamed. Now, safe in the silence of her own private space, she was finally able to release her emotions and now the tears fell in torrents down her face as though washing away the last hours of her life. There was the threat of another time, another command and she would be powerless to refuse. Did Duke Richard intend to debase her again? Would the reluctant Hugh be commanded by his master again? His warning about Richard being his made her flesh crawl; their association was unnatural.

  By the time Aubrette felt capable of leaving the protection of her room to go to Rowena, it was daylight. She had forced herself into calmness, into normality, and she would not reveal the events of the previous evening. She would keep the secret locked away, as no one needed to know. Who would want to listen to the bleating of a servant, anyway?

  She let herself quietly into the rooms Rowena shared with Simon and could hear the sounds of sexual activity from their bedchamber. Sinking to the floor, Aubrette covered her ears, shutting her eyes in an attempt to blot out the raw memories. Behind her closed eyelids, the images of Hugh and Richard appeared in glaring clarity. They had had no regard for her feelings or the pain she had experienced, both physically and mentally. In her trance, she was unaware that the sounds in the room had ceased. Rowena now padded barefoot into the room and saw her sister in a crumpled, trembling heap on the floor.

  ‘Aubrette! What is wrong?’ she cried, dropping down and throwing her arms around her sister. Aubrette jolted at the touch and looked up red-eyed, at Rowena holding on tight.

  ‘What is going on out there?’ Simon shouted from the bedchamber, before seeing the two women he loved huddled together on the floor. ‘Dear God, what has happened?’

  Aubrette allowed herself to be taken to a chair and, despite her earlier intention of keeping the assault to herself, opened up about the details of the previous evening. Rowena cooed over her sister; Simon was less emotional.

  ‘You knew what my half-brother would want. Had you obliged willingly, you would have felt no pain. There are many women who would have been honoured to serve their duke, so you have no shame,’ he said, tersely, pouring himself a glass of wine.

  Rowena shot him an angry look at his insensitive words.

  ‘I was just scared,’ Aubrette said, quietly. ‘The duke said he may call for me again.’

  ‘Then you will know how to behave, won’t you?’ Simon replied, callously, helping himself to a second glass of wine, which he downed in one swallow.

  ‘Help me prepare for the day and we can talk alone,’ Rowena said, standing and going to the bedchamber.

  As Aubrette went to pass Simon, he grasped her arm and pulled her back into the room. ‘He wanted my wife. I knew he was entertaining people with looser morals than alley cats, so I offered you in Rowena’s place. I did not think he would force you,’ he whispered, urgently.

  ‘You did what? You knew what would happen to me! I suffered because of you!’ exclaimed Aubrette, quietly, angrily. Rowena called her name. ‘Let me go, Simon, my mistress is calling for me.’

  He attempted to kiss her. ‘I will come to you tonight,’ he said, letting go of her arm.

  Aubrette moved her head aside so that his lips brushed her hair. ‘Don’t bother,’ she spat, crossly.

  Throughout the day, Aubrette kept herself in Rowena’s rooms – not wanting to leave the security she felt here. Rowena stayed with her as she was still feeling unwell. She planned to tell her husband that she was pregnant again and hoped their lovemaking the previous night would not harm the new child beginning to develop inside her. She sent for the physician, who assured her that there would be no permanent damage.

  She dressed carefully that evening, so that she could look her best for when she announced the news to Simon. This time, she hoped no problems would arise and they would become the parents of a healthy child – and, God willing, it would be their long-desired son.

  Still, Aubrette kept to the apartment. She had no desire whatsoever to venture out due to the risk of seeing Duke Richard, Hugh or any of the people from the previous evening, though she knew she would have to when she retired to her small room. She would worry about that later.

  Rowena, escorted by a page, eventually came back. She was feeling tired and unwell. With little conversation, she retired to bed, leaving
Aubrette to wait for Simon. She felt uncomfortable at the thought of seeing him. In her heart, she wanted to be close to him; for him to put his arms around her, to comfort her and placate her for the pain his thoughtlessness had caused her. She even wanted him to make love to her, though her experience of the previous night still loomed large in her mind and the thought of him, or any man, touching her filled her with a sense of dread.

  Simon remained in the hall to celebrate his forthcoming fatherhood with his companions. When he returned to the apartment, he was inebriated and loud, and lurched around wildly. His bombast quickly abated when he saw Aubrette looking anxiously at him, like a female deer cornered, trapped by hounds. Timorously, she reminded him that his wife was asleep and needed peace and quiet, and that she would now depart for her own bedroom. Simon shook his head.

  ‘Oh, my love, I want you to forget what my brother did to you. Let me help you now, here. You know I shall never hurt you as he did,’ he urged, drunkenly pulling Aubrette to her feet and trying to kiss her. She wanted to reciprocate, but felt afraid. In her mind, she could still feel the pain inflicted on her. She was uncertain of her emotions and hesitated, but then his mouth pressing hard on hers terrified her into action. She struggled and bit his tongue, making him pull back in pain and release his grip on her. This was the chance she had to escape and she ran as fast as her legs could carry her to her small room. Once in, she slammed the door shut as tears fell down her face.

  Aubrette spent the remainder of that night sitting on her bed. Her arms were wrapped around her knees, drawn up to her chin, and she trembled, staring blankly at the door, fearing that Simon might have followed her. She would not be able to escape him a second time. She reassured herself by thinking that he must now be asleep, sleeping off the effects of too much celebration, and would be in no condition to hurt her or Rowena. She knew she had to return to assist her sister and that would mean seeing Simon, but she knew he would not betray their clandestine affair in front of his wife.

  After a wretched night, red-eyed and exhausted, Aubrette slowly walked back and let herself in. Simon, as she had hoped, was asleep on the floor where he had collapsed in a drunken stupor, snoring and drooling. She edged around him, her eyes not leaving his inert form, and entered the bedchamber where Rowena was beginning to stir.

  The two women conversed quietly as Aubrette helped her sister from the bed and threw a wrap over her shoulders, securing it around her waist with a silk cord. Rowena reminded her not to tie it too tight to restrict the new life huddled deep inside. They entered the room as Simon began to climb unsteadily to his feet, clinging to chairs and tables in an effort to balance. He looked with blurred vision at Rowena, as if attempting to remember the reason for the over excess. Then, mumbling an excuse, he staggered from the room, leaving Aubrette and Rowena alone.

  ‘I’ll not see much of him today,’ Rowena remarked, seating herself at the table, while Aubrette poured her a cup of ale. She was relieved of this, though kept silent, not wanting to alarm her sister. ‘I wish to remain here today, but shall not detain you from any business you may have to conduct.’

  ‘I will keep you company. With the baby growing inside you, I would not like you to be alone,’ replied Aubrette, still reluctant to venture into the castle or its grounds for fear of seeing Simon or Duke Richard.

  ‘Then go to the kitchen and bring back some food for us. The baby has given me a hunger this morning and I could eat a horse!’ Rowena laughed, putting her hands on her belly.

  She was in good spirits and Aubrette was glad to see her with such a happy smile on her face. She obliged and left the security of the room – surely there would be no problem in the short journey to the kitchen.

  Aubrette hurried through the corridors, passing other people going about their business, and made her way to the kitchen. Once there, she spoke to one of the cooks about the request for food from her mistress. She was given a bag filled with meats, cheeses and bread, which was more food than she had expected, and quickly returned to the apartment. The sisters spent their time in the room, eating and reminiscing about when they were girls, and growing up in Romhill. The day passed happily.

  Simon noticed a change in his wife and it pleased him. She appeared to be settling into this pregnancy after the first weeks of illness. The failure of the first attempt would quickly be forgotten, and their future family would grow and thrive. He had also attempted to get Aubrette by herself, desiring her with a passion, but she managed to avoid being alone with him. He found solace with other men’s wives and local prostitutes, though none of them pleased him as much as his erstwhile mistress. This only fuelled his hunger for her, and he was getting impatient for her to regain her lust for him.

  What Simon did not know was that Aubrette’s feelings for him were beginning to stir once again. She would never forget the abuse she had suffered, but she was a woman who needed the contact of the man she loved. As the weeks passed, she found herself yearning for his touch once more. He had said he would never harm her as his royal brother had, and in her heart she believed him. So, she planned to lure him back into her bed and took delight in planning the event down to every delectable detail.

  One night, Rowena retired early to bed; she had eaten too much and had bellyache. Aubrette detained Simon in the antechamber of their apartment, saying she needed to speak with him. Instinctively, he knew by the way Aubrette slid him a seductive look, and the way the tip of her tongue protruded from her parted lips, what was in her mind. He was instantly aroused and pulled her close, kissing her powerfully. She melted into his eager arms, feeling the primal desire begin to pulse through her body again. It exhilarated her. He pulled off his shirt, ready to take her, but she stopped him.

  ‘Not here, Rowena is in the other room. We might wake her,’ she warned, breathless with desire.

  ‘I do not care. I want you now, here,’ he whispered, attempting to unlace the back of Aubrette’s dress and pull her down to the floor. She resisted.

  ‘No, Simon, not here. Outside,’ she said, pulling his hands away from the laces. With her dress falling off her shoulders, they left the room and closed the door quietly. They hurried along the corridor until they found a doorway where they could be undiscovered. He slammed her against the closed door and deftly moved into her. The scourge of the memories of Richard and Hugh banished as Aubrette revelled in the wonderful responsiveness of her lover’s prowess.

  ‘We shall be together every night,’ Simon whispered, burying his face into her hair and running his hands over her bare breasts. ‘I shall take you every night, here, in your bed, under the stars, everywhere.’ He promised and she believed him. He would keep her safe from the duke.


  King Henry remained at Oxford castle. Prince John had ridden west to visit his wife. Count Geoffrey and Duke Richard had left for Brittany and Aquitaine respectively, much to Aubrette’s relief. His threat to send for her again had not materialised and she had watched, hidden from behind a wall, as the royal brothers, accompanied by the beautifully dressed Hugh and their entourages, rode from the courtyard and onto the road that would lead to the coast.

  King Henry had spent as much time as possible visiting his mistress, the attractive Princess Alice of France. Originally, Alice had come to England to live in the royal nursery until she was old enough for the arranged marriage between herself and Prince Richard. But on one of his visits to see his two youngest children, Joanna and John, Henry had been enraptured by the innocent, pure beauty of the twelve-year-old princess and had seduced her. Replacing Rosamond as his mistress, he had her moved into a house nearby. Richard had then refused to marry Alice, claiming he did not want spoilt goods for a wife. Alice’s father, King Louis, kept asking why the marriage between the prince and princess had not happened. It had caused Henry much angst, but he felt it was worth all the trouble because she was so innocently delightful to be with.

received communications of a rebellion erupting in Anjou and decided that he needed to go there, either to negotiate with the rebels or to smash them into submission. This would mean he would have to leave Oxford, leave his gentle Alice, but such was the life of a king. Were he an ordinary man, he could luxuriate in the company of his mistress for as long as he desired. Reluctantly, the preparations commenced for his departure.

  The king commanded both his bastard sons, Geoffrey and Simon, to travel with him. This excited Simon, but filled Rowena with dread. She was feeling unwell again with the pregnancy and wanted to remain in Oxford at the town house. However, Simon demanded that she must accompany him with Aubrette. As a compliant wife, she had no option but to obey.

  Aubrette was the opposite of her sister and could not wait to travel across the Narrow Sea. This was to be an exciting adventure for her, and knowing that Simon would be near added to the exhilaration.

  When the day came, the cavalcade departed Oxford and headed towards the south coast. There, the sea captains had been alerted to prepare to receive their king and his retinue for the voyage to Harfleur.

  Along with his half-brother Geoffrey, Simon rode close to the head of the procession as their father had insisted. Further back were the women; Rowena travelled uncomfortably in a litter pulled by two mules, while Aubrette rode a small horse alongside her, ready to assist when necessary.

  They rested at monasteries and grand houses, with a small city of tents springing up whenever they stopped for the night. Rowena and Aubrette were among the lucky women permitted to sleep in the houses. During these times, Simon and Aubrette would find secret moments to spend together and he would tell her how things were progressing at the head of the procession. Aubrette would tell him of her worries for Rowena, as her countenance was pale and she was perpetually tired. This journey was not good for her and Aubrette feared for the safety of her and the baby. Simon was convinced that his wife was suffering from hysterics brought on by the pregnancy and predicted that his son would successfully be born in Angers.